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Inicio / BIBLIOGRAFIA / Physiotherapy management of Achilles tendinopathy

Physiotherapy management of Achilles tendinopathy

This review focuses on two distinct but related conditions: midportion Achilles tendinopathy and insertional Achilles tendinopathy. They are characterised by localised pain  and impaired locomotor function, including walking, running and jumping. The information mainly pertains to midportion tendinopathy, which dominates the literature, but evidence about insertional Achilles tendinopathy is highlighted. Although discussed briefly within differential diagnosis, Achilles tendon rupture and partial tears are not the focus. Exercise is a primary recommended treatment, along with education and advice; therefore, physiotherapists have an important role in managing Achilles tendinopathy. After outlining the epidemiology, burden and clinical course of Achilles tendinopathy, this review focuses on current considerations in its diagnosis, assessment and management from a physiotherapy perspective. A theme throughout the review is a shift from a reductionist biomedical view towards a biopsychosocial view of Achilles tendinopathy, emphasising how this shapes current clinical care.

Journal of Physiotherapy

Volume 68, Issue 4, October 2022, Pages 221-237

Sobre Aritz Monasterio

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